

Monday, April 30, 2007

THE PEACE TALK WILL FAIL. authored by Lakony Wilson DD on 7. July 2006 at 09:43

I think the peace attempt will fail because of the following: Let us look at the Uganda Government and ICC as two different sets (Pie Charts), the intersection set here is definitely Kony’s group. Kony has been indicted by the ICC of which Uganda Government is a signatory and at the same time Kony has been offered amnesty by the government of Uganda this really makes it impossible for Kony to belong to the intersection set therefore the set is empty. Museveni says the noble cuase of trying Kony before the ICC had been betrayed by failure of the UN which set the court. While the UN is saying Museveni amnesty is a sham. I Believe Kony as a Human being doesn’t have a pumpkin for head. For us who come from the war torn North think this is a very good offer by the rebel group and the government of Uganda to talk peace ,however, the ICC doesn’t want to be seen that it has failed to measure up, this is all about peace, let the two talk peace and the ICC takes it up thereafter as they have already requested the Kony’s group to Hugue and argue their case and the government of Uganda also to defend itself from the blame labeled against her by the rebel-One is NOT guilty until proved so.

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